Head Coach
Full Name: Raymond Franco
Hobbies and Interests:
Coaching Football, Watching football and planning sessions for the upcoming week ahead,
Fact about yourself:
I currently work full time as an IT Professional. However, over the last 5 years since the start of my coaching journey, I have completely fallen in love with coaching and because of this I am now actively pursueing further education in football as well as trying to better myself. I am a qualified coach with a huge passion for coaching. As well as this, I am also a full time dad to two energetic children.
Favourite Football Team:
Liverpool / Woking FC
Favourite colour:
Favourite Upskill Football Coaching session?:
ANYTHING rondos and SSGs. Rondos and SSGs are fast paced and can simulate almost any “in-game” scenario and is actively used by many top level academies and clubs in the world.
Why do you love being a coach for Upskill Football Coaching?
That feeling you get from watching young children grow, in ability and confidence is incredible. When you’re constantly trying to teach a child how to dribble with multiple parts of their foot and suddenly, they just click and then they realise what they’re doing! WOW! What a feeling!

Outfield Coach
Full Name: Matthew Murrells
Hobbies and Interests:
Playing football and coaching football.
Fact about yourself:
I am currently working full time as a car salesman, and conducting further training to become a UEFA Level 2 Coach. I have two children who keep me busy when I am not working.
Favourite Football Team:
Manchester United / Woking FC
Favourite colour:
Favourite Upskill Football Coaching session:
Zombies! Children dribble from one box to another without being tackled, if they lose the ball they then become the zombie. This gets everyone involved and everyone has a right blast (even the coaches)
Why do you love being a coach for Upskill Football Coaching?
It’s a great feeling to watch the children from their first day (very quiet and ire) to blast out their confidence and know you have helped them achieve that.

Goalkeeper Coach
Full Name: Tim Pankhurst
Hobbies and Interests:
Football, Fishing and Family
Fact about yourself:
I’ve worked in the constrcution industry since school, I have also owned my own business for 3 years now. I have three children 1 girl and 2 boys. I have been coaching for just over a year taking my under 7s grassroots side through the Surrey Youth league Elite Division unbeaten.
Favourite Football Team:
Arsenal (Up the gunners)
Favourite colour:
Favourite Upskill Football Coaching session?:
Goalkeepr wars, two goals opposite each other goalkeeper in each who can score the most goals in 5/10 mins playing time.
Why do you love being a coach for Upskill Football Coaching?
I want to give back to the children what I was given as a child. Football brings the best out of kids, whether being ability or confidence in everyday life. It really is the best sport in the world.

Outfield Coach
Full Name: Adriano Garone
Hobbies and Interests:
Football!! Training, running, fitness, coaching, golfing, everything sports! I currently play 5 a side football. I enjoy running long distances, fast! And have completed over 200 Parkruns as well as various races.
I keep fit by training at gym 6 days a week.
I am Italian therefore food, football, and family are high up on my interests list.
Give me a good bowl of pasta surrounded by my family and friends, I’m happy!
Fact about yourself:
I’ve always been a keen sportsman. However, Football has always been my passion. I’ve been playing the game pretty much since I can remember about 3 years old and have played both club and academy football. I am currently self employed in the private Medical Insurance sector and I am a father to a football crazy 7-year-old blonde, blue eyed boy. So looks nothing like me.
Favourite Football Team:
Manchester United
Favourite colour:
Favourite Upskill Football Coaching session?:
When I see the kids I am coaching playing hard and having a great time, that is my favorite part
Why do you love being a coach for Upskill Football Coaching?
Having grown up playing footbaldand having my own son, nothing makes me happier than to watch a child grow in the game. Observing their potential and turning it into reality gives me such a sense of pride and achievement.

Outfield Coach
Full Name: Fanica Sebastian Stamate
Hobbies and Interests:
Football Coaching, Gaming, Writing books, Physical exercises and Music
Fact about yourself:
National Champion in Jiu Jitsu – Romania and have written and published 2 Books
Favourite Football Team:
FCSB Bucharest
Favourite colour:
Favourite Upskill Football Coaching session?:
Creative Combination of passing and movement and Out of Posession Practices.
Why do you love being a coach for Upskill Football Coaching?
The team is very friendly and knowledgeable. The players will teach me something new every day